
Who We Are

The African Community Center of Denver (ACC) is a non-profit refugee resettlement agency whose mission is to help refugees and immigrants rebuild safe, sustainable lives in Colorado. ACC was founded in 2001 as a branch office of our parent organization, the Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC).

With a diverse staff and the help of faithful volunteers and interns, we conduct educational and social service programs that help newcomers rebuild their lives in their new community, navigate U.S. systems and cultures, achieve economic self-sufficiency, and become confident, thriving, integrated members of society.

Beginning in 2001 with only 3 staff members resettling 60 refugees, we have grown into a team of more than 50 multilingual, compassionate employees who serve over 1,500 refugees, asylees, and other immigrants each year.




To help refugees and immigrants rebuild safe, sustainable lives in Colorado.




To be an integrative center of multicultural exchange where community members feel a sense of belonging and actively contribute to an inclusive society.


Meet Our Leadership


Ron Buzard, Managing Director

Rhossy Ouanzin Gbebri, Development & Communications Manager

Michael Josten, Data & Compliance Manager

Shervonne Johnson, Resettlement Program Manager

Chelsea Primak, Integration Programs Manager

Heleena Kakar, Program Manager

Kate Weatherbee, Volunteer Manager

Emebet Getahun, Administration & HR Coordinator





We foster security and trust by building welcoming and diverse communities based on relationships of reciprocity.  


We are committed to extraordinary creative pursuits that exceed the status quo.


We offer love, compassion, and understanding to individuals from all communities.


We consistently exhibit honest and just actions that affirm our promises.