Help Refugees Rebuild | African Community Center

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3 Ways to Help Refugees This Holiday Season

As the holidays near, many ACC supporters are looking for ways to engage and give back. Here are three ways to help newcomer refugee families this holiday season.

1. Refugee Giving Tree : ACC is gathering winter coat donations for refugee families who will be coming to Denver this upcoming year. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Drop off your winter items (coat, hat, & gloves) at the ACC office for the family members by January 20th.

Click here to sign up for a family & to see more details.

2. Amazon Wishlist : Visit our Amazon Wishlist to buy household items for refugee families & have them shipped directly to our office!

Our top-needed items: twin and full-sized sheets, twin comforters, bath towels, floor lamps, can openers, 13x9s pans, baking sheets, & cleaning supplies like mops and toilet brushes/ plungers.

*Prefer to drop-off gently used or new items at our office instead of shopping online? Click here to view the list of items we can accept.

3. Make a financial contribution: Donations are used to provide basic needs for refugee families, such as paying for utilities or an emergency rent payment. Donations are also used to fund innovative programs that assist refugee families in reaching their integration goals.

Make a gift.